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Penthouse à Benalmadena

€ 276.000

A vendre
84 m2
Année de construction 2008

Description de la société

Let me tell you why you should buy this property: The comfort and tranquility that can be felt in a penthouse, the exceptional location and surroundings, the complex and its features, incredibly spacious parking and plenty of space to store those things you rarely use. Let's start with the tranquility and comfort; this apartment is on the second and top floor, where the only thing above you is your own terrace (there are two terraces in total). You can reach it by elevator or stairs, and at the entrance, you will find a comfortable, well-lit kitchen with natural ventilation, spacious and equipped with all the appliances you may need: refrigerator, oven, microwave, and dishwasher. Adjacent to the kitchen, you will find the laundry area with a washing machine and water heater. Continuing your tour, you will find the living room: spacious, comfortable, and bright, which leads to a small terrace where you can enjoy the sun and the beautiful characteristic sunrises and sunsets of Benalmádena. Exiting the living room, you will find the first bedroom with ample space and plenty of light, built-in closets, and a complete external bathroom that can also serve as a guest bathroom. And finally, the master bedroom: very spacious, bright, warm, with spacious built-in closets and an en-suite bathroom where you can relax in the bathtub at the end of a long day. As you can see, this cozy home has everything you could need, in addition to the wonderful fact that you won't hear noise from neighbors above your head. The main terrace is on the upper floor, which you can access via a short staircase from the apartment; it is a private and peaceful space where you can host guests, enjoy a barbecue, play with your children, sunbathe, without causing any disorder inside the house. As for its location, it couldn't be better. This complex is close to everything: a two-minute drive from hospitals in the area, pharmacy, supermarkets, international, private, public, and charter schools (places you can also easily reach on foot), and bus stops. It is surrounded by parks for children and golf courses, and within a 5-minute drive, you will find restaurants, bars, shopping centers, gas stations, the promenade, the beach, Torremuelle train station, the town, and the highway. Need anything else? You will likely find it nearby. And about the complex... only that it's very beautiful: surrounded by nature, a very clean and pleasant community, and secure with surveillance cameras and private nighttime security throughout the year, with wonderful neighbors. There is a communal pool, beautiful gardens, and sunshine in every corner. You have access to paddle and tennis courts, a gym, and a restaurant. Now, if we talk about parking, forget about the inconvenience because you have 2 immense parking spaces where you can easily fit two cars and two motorcycles or utility vehicles. I can say the same about the storage room, which is spacious and versatile. You can organize it as best suits you. Do you want to convince yourself why it's worth making this apartment your new home? Contact us to schedule your visit and start dreaming of the life you want.LBB


Sécurité de l'environnement
Conditions d'utilisation
Sécurité de l'eau
Parking (en anglais)
Parking à l'anglaise
Piscine à débordement
Le lieu d'implantation
Lieu d'implantation

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Communauté € 104 par mois
Déchets Inconnue
Taxe (IBI) Inconnue

Label énergétique

CO2 D 16.70 kgCO2/m2 par an
Consommation E 98.50 kWh/m2 par an


9 janvier 2024 10:45
Affiché pour
27 février 2024 2:01
Prix modifié:
1 avril 2024 3:12
Statut modifié:
4 avril 2024 3:04
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La localisation n'est pas exacte

Référence: R4599301

Andalousie, Espagne

€ 276.000

Année de construction 2008
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